Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's been a long while since....

I've felt the need to blog... A long time has passed since my initial euphoria at getting the 'prestigious' NUS Undergrad Scholarship... but my results in NUS have been far from satisfactory... to me, at least.

Why carry on, I've often asked myself.. Cos I need to prove others wrong... And that, my friend, is precisely my own worst enemy in itself. Seeing the muggers in NUS worrying about whether they can score 90 marks for the next test... being panicky about social issues that we non-nerds can just about cope with... Not knowing when to let go and let live, can't say that I envy their perfect results... And seriously, the standards of lecturing in NUS has gotta improve.... It SUCKS!!!!!! Huang Zhiyong, Cheng Holun, Lim "I'm a faggot" Chong Hai, Tay Boon Nga, congrats for turning most of us off programming and the likes... To the first two lecturers: Erase the accented English... Especially you Huang Zhiyong!!! ("How many percent of you understand me? Less than 50% put your hands up) Fuck OFF u lamer... Can't grasp a single pc of crap tt u're tokking abt...

I've spent much thought into a transfer... It'd waste ONE year of my life, and it means that I've gotta wait one year more for my dream to happen... would SHE wait? I've no idea, but I've really gotta start thinking about myself... my future career.. Since I know that I ain't gonna like Engineering, what's holding me back?

Anyhow, SFH and I have sorta declared a kinda truce... I stop fucking her around and I start teaching her Math.. For my mum's sake... Again, I'm doing it for someone else... But she just ain't about anyone else... It's her, and HER... Yep I'm teaching HER bro too... I'm doing my best to keep this SWEET CHILD OF MINE... I absolutely love HER to bits...

So much has happened since matriculation... Ciao baby...


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