Sunday, May 14, 2006

Yeesh's 21st BDae!

Today marked the birth of a (somewhat vertically-challenged) baby into this world... One that would shape the lives of a certain group of people who were unceremoniously dumped into the orientation camp as a bunch of greenhorn freshmen. Some came with trepidation (read = me), some with babbling incoherence (Sith and Stam) and some with a voluminous amount of reluctance and irritation at being coaxed into SMU servititude (though it *should* have mellowed somewhat, right Lacy?).

Our deepest fears were confirmed when we first met our Facilitator (Faci for short/Punintended) at a certain BonMarché at Suntec City. We were lulled to believe that SMU was a haven full of Oompa Loompas that waded in chocolate fountains and sipped coffee at the resident TCC, with our very own Oompa Loompa specimen in person gracing the occasion at the dinner itself. Alas, as we soon found out to our own detriment, the school population was significantly taller than what our Faci led us to believe.

Over the next few weeks, our dear Faci-cum-Oompa-Loompa led us through one school event after the next, and soon we've found ourselves right smack in the middle of our very first summer vacation! (Alright its my SECOND but who counts anyway, right?) And our MRSF has chosen this very day to hold her birthday party at just about nowhere (Alright Sembawang's somewhere out there, but it comes pretty close to being nowhere).

And so the party convened with a buffet dinner, and we soon got down to what we always do to pass time -- Playing dumb games. First up was Polar Bear, and yours truly ALWAYS got voted out in the very first round. Owells. You know what they always say: 树大招风...

Next was 终极密码 with a bottle of Jimmy! And that really capped our day, with Mel's ears turning blood-red and Sith and Stam muttering incoherently whilst filling themselves up with the liquor. Evidence of such inebriated individuals is presented as follows:


Oh gawd how I miss those times with these people.

And yeah MSRF= Most Revered Short Faci.
Happy Birthday, Yeesh!


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