Thursday, September 01, 2005

Life Strife?

As she gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands, she looked determined to prove her independence.
And she always had wanted him along the long ride that was life.

Despite having given her the wrong directions--Mind you, not once but THRICE!--She'd never saw it in her to give the slightest hint of irritation, much less frustration.
That was her graciousness all along.

Driving around the Fountain of Wealth for the 3rd time, it sort of struck me how parallels were drawn between this and her life as of that moment.
Stuck in a rut, her hope ironically keeping her going around in circles. The exits all looked identical, and to her, they all led nowhere.

Despite having only to make a U-turn before reaching her house, she insisted on driving me to Serangoon MRT. "Taking 80 waste alot of time one".
Putting others above self, as usual.

Can I say this?

Despite knowing that happiness has eluded you, and that only that guy's presence can soothe the ache in your heart.

That threatens to tear you asunder.


Happy Birthday, Tracy.


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