Sunday, July 09, 2006


This post is to indulge the geek in me. Technophobes back off!

Firstly, I BROKE MY TOE!
And I'm a blessed fool NOT to have broken it clean off.
With all the walking around.

Spent 4 days fixing up a particularly thorny new system.
Specs are as follows:

AMD 64 AM2 3500+
Kingston DDR2-667 1GB SDRAM (underclocked to 266@ 4-4-4-12-15)
160GB Hitachi SATA2 HDD
MSI 7600GT TD256E
Coolermaster ExtremePower 430W
Coolermaster Centurion 5 Casing
Samsung 740N

Had loads of BSODs, some of which I have never seen before...
Like this particularly memorable one:

And there's more... The usual IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, or the 人见人爱 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA....

Was tearing my hair out in frustration. It was a piece of Kingston RAM, for god's sake.
Never mind that it was the mass-market ValueRAM...
And so yea, with 14+ hours of research, I underclocked the piece of bloody RAM and... VOILA!
It booted fine.
Never am I going to be a guinea pig for cutting-edge technology again. It cuts till we BLEED!
So much for being at the forefront of technology.

And one more thing had to come forth.
I've spoilt HER computer by constantly rearranging the cables to fix the new one. For her uncle. The graphics card's gone. One long beep, two short ones.
KAPUT. The static fried her ancient Geforce MX4200 I suppose.

And thus Meng's Dell comes into good use. As a source of techno-cannibalism.

And that just makes my day.



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