Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Circle Evolution '06 - Run 1 Updates

Having been assigned to the Logistics team (as usual), it was a whole host of alien faces that greeted me *chuckle*. Rash, Nurha, Bee Lian, Jasmine, Gee Yong, Aaron and Minghui. Never seen these guys before , but yea they certainly made my stay at Circle 'o6 an enjoyable one. And who says that girls can't do hard work? They certainly work hard at making the guys do the dirty work.

And yea, no matter where we go and what we do, its always the people that make the experience either for the better or for the worse. Thanks Log folks!

The gang hard at work. Brinjal, celery, bittergourd and tau kuah juice, anyone?

Anyone notice the irony here?

Seeing the freshies trudging about their given tasks certainly evoked fond memories of FOCs gone by - Circle '05, especially. But we were a much more inspired lot, that I would like to believe.



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