Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Flying Dragon.

Loong's gonna fly.
Off to the land of the American Dream.
And American babes.
And Krispy Kremes (this piece of knowledge largely accruing to Celest's endless praise of the cholesterol-laden delight).
They go hand-in-hand. Hopefully, in Loong's hands as well.
American babe on the left, Krispy Kremes on the right.

He might not be back.
As an SMU student, at least.
This makes it all the more meaningful.
Lets see.

Was it like Grp 2?

FA Group (less him)

BGS Group
Did the course suck? Or did the prof? LOL!

Biz Law!
Remember how we circumvented the problem of consideration by using some quirk of Phang's law? And WWY accepted! WOOT!

And MA!
Leong's amiable personality, our masterpiece of an Excel sheet and the numerous 'are we doing ABC or job costing?' discussions... And that very fruitful 6-hour MSN group meeting.

And lastly, cheers to you, Loong.

An OG mate.
A project mate.
A classmate.

And, most importantly,

a friend.

Bon voyage!



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