Wednesday, October 31, 2007

FRS 39 and 1.49 AM

The title says it all. Reading the rambling FRS 39 is like trying to save Mark's 'spasmed' handball shots. Catch no ball.

Anyway some quick updates this late on in Week 13. I'm always grumbling about how each term seems more and more hectic, but thankfully this term has proven to be the exception to the norm. I feel pressed for time, stressed and think I have a fair bit of catching up to do (what's new). BUT! There's time for some meaningful reading and projects are creaking along fine. With the notable exception of ONE.

It's AMA-geddon I tell you. And this had made me cherish good group mates all the more. Defended Meng on some issues in a pretty measured tone - considering that I was extremely exasperated/irritated, THAT in itself was a measured response. Didn't expect a reply but still got one. And she persisted with her view of things. I guess it's the usual 'The Men Just Don't Get It' for her. Ah wells. Mediation failed. Negotiation failed. Isolation next?

On the brighter side, my search for a job has almost come full circle. I hope to get something nailed down soon. Like tomorrow. Really hate the pretense of an evaluation that they call interviews. This time though, I spoke my mind, and for the love of this country, I hope they understand what I'm getting at and my position on certain matters.

Koof's in London and sleeping like a vagrant. If any Briton comes across some unwashed tramp of a SMU student at the local airport/rail station/cybercafe be sure to treat him nicely yea?

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Hey there Delilah

First up, the original version...

And a warning to all you swingers out there...
