Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We were young.

Anyone can name all the vids in this compilation?
OMG how I miss those days of yore...

The Visionaries: Fired my imagination.

Ever wondered why old men wear their singlets inside their biz shirts? Ask the Centurions.



Finally, Voltron... With the corny "Form feet and legs... Form arms and torso... Now form THE HEAD.. Roar... Roar... Roar... Rawwwwwwwrrrrrrrr...."

And I realize that I had loads of toys from this era. Thanks Mom and Dad!


Friday, August 25, 2006

Project Groupies

And so school has started.

Circle Evo. Check.
Vivacé. 5 more hours.
IMF. I'm gonna miss 12 days of school.

Sure hope my sacrifices are worth it.

Je veux un peu de paix.

Accounting Information Systems
WAH 'Zai' Wei

Income Tax and GST

Coy Law
WAH 'Zai' as in ‘华仔’

Lianne the Chao Ang Mor
WAH 'Zai'


Looks like I'm gonna Brokeback with SM this sem.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Flying Dragon.

Loong's gonna fly.
Off to the land of the American Dream.
And American babes.
And Krispy Kremes (this piece of knowledge largely accruing to Celest's endless praise of the cholesterol-laden delight).
They go hand-in-hand. Hopefully, in Loong's hands as well.
American babe on the left, Krispy Kremes on the right.

He might not be back.
As an SMU student, at least.
This makes it all the more meaningful.
Lets see.

Was it like Grp 2?

FA Group (less him)

BGS Group
Did the course suck? Or did the prof? LOL!

Biz Law!
Remember how we circumvented the problem of consideration by using some quirk of Phang's law? And WWY accepted! WOOT!

And MA!
Leong's amiable personality, our masterpiece of an Excel sheet and the numerous 'are we doing ABC or job costing?' discussions... And that very fruitful 6-hour MSN group meeting.

And lastly, cheers to you, Loong.

An OG mate.
A project mate.
A classmate.

And, most importantly,

a friend.

Bon voyage!


Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's all over!

The freshies at Circle run 3 were a privileged lot. They had the logs team cheering them on. Me and Nyan joined Bobbs' group for the 3-way tug-of-war component as well, and with the able direction of Jinghao, we won!

Then came the leaking barrel game, and we from Charlie Bravo Recon Squad had great fun in egging them on. ("Use your tongue! The secret is to use your tongue!!!!")

Leaking barrels, freshies and their tongues.

The flag of the 1st Log Battalion was officially unveiled by RSM MWO Nuhahahahaha on the 2nd day of Circle Evolution Run 3.

The entire logs team, with our sai kang equipment, which were later used to sweep up soap suds and all the fallout from the Soap Opera event.

Logs@Simpang Bedok-after a backbreaking trip to school at 10pm to return logistics to the room beside OCBC. If you heard weird sounds coming from the depths of the Concourse (X-man ar X-Man, Nyan's infamous "Neh-Neh Man ar Neh-Neh Man"), that was us.

We from Section L OG.

Our smelly, stinky and perpetually messy Logs retreat.
Guess which one my bed is?
Those two red packages you see are actually our comatose head and her sidekick.

Post-event celebration, KFC@ PS.

Thanks loads, guys.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Prepping for Run 3

It's almost over. ALMOST.

Run 3's coming up like in 10 hours' time.

Have. Got. To. Psyche. Myself. Up.

A very hyper Don with the Soap Opera set in the background. Detergent, flour bombs and freshies make a good mix!

And Yilin did up a fantastic art piece. With a minimalist moniker. Her teacher gave it a B, though. What a bummer. She sucks man. Talk about stifling creativity.

Presenting 'Le Poisson'. (French by me. She calls it the fish.)

Zhong hurt himself badly in cage today. Needed someone who hasn't driven in months(read: me) to drive him back. He's currently recuperating from post-traumatic shock on top of his ankle problem. Haha. Anyway it's swollen to the size of an egg.

And Koof's back! Like, finally?


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Circle Evolution '06 - Run 1 Updates

Having been assigned to the Logistics team (as usual), it was a whole host of alien faces that greeted me *chuckle*. Rash, Nurha, Bee Lian, Jasmine, Gee Yong, Aaron and Minghui. Never seen these guys before , but yea they certainly made my stay at Circle 'o6 an enjoyable one. And who says that girls can't do hard work? They certainly work hard at making the guys do the dirty work.

And yea, no matter where we go and what we do, its always the people that make the experience either for the better or for the worse. Thanks Log folks!

The gang hard at work. Brinjal, celery, bittergourd and tau kuah juice, anyone?

Anyone notice the irony here?

Seeing the freshies trudging about their given tasks certainly evoked fond memories of FOCs gone by - Circle '05, especially. But we were a much more inspired lot, that I would like to believe.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

A leaf has fallen...

Chow Guan Ren - 1984-2006

T'was a merry soul.

Rest in peace.


Friday, August 04, 2006


Was out buying BBQ stuff for Sat with two of my 22/00 classmates. Zhihong and Weiming.
I've never really had a class that got along well. 6A in SGPS was incredibly competitive and diverse; 2H was too busy condemning me and I was too aloof and unsporting to mix around in 4K.

22/00 brought about a chance- a chance for me to make a difference. Especially with a supportive form tutor and links to the 3-5 cliques that defined class relations. Alas, the fundamental differences proved too wide to bridge, but relations were at least cordial.

And so, 5th August sees a reunion of the boys and girls- now men and women of 22/00, and i sure hope that contact at least can be maintained. Guys, remember the Physics lessons with 矮仔 Lim, Cheng and his leg-opening routine, P.E. lessons with 沈生, Maths remedial (where I was an ever-present fixture) with Mr Low and Econs with Ms Leong.

Remember it all, for despite the sadness/happiness that marked our days in TJC, within and without, it remains our common, indelible past.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Illusions 101

Cyril Takayama. Illusionist extraordinaire.

Card through Glass

Mobile Phone

Burger magic

Passing objects through glass table

Shadow Magic


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dear Keith

Someone likes your food at ASoc Camp.
