The talk by
Ven. Mahinda was a thought-provoking one.
Lottery tickets
Smaller coffins
Expressing gratitude
Seeking forgiveness
Addressing concerns
Letting goAnyway, cheers to
SMUBS members who turned up at Tai Pei in full force.
Well, sorta.

And congrats to
SBMY for once again organizing another event that was strongly taken to by the local Buddhist community. The tingling sensation of recognition was there when Ven. Mahinda chanted. I WILL BE BACK SOON
AIS was a whole load of bull. COSO, COBIT and the ERM framework.
Spent the better part of the day just reading through the slides given on the webby.
Is this what Audit is all about?
If so, tax looks so much more appealing.
Was helping
YYM with his QM stuff just now.
Was remembering how I used to LOVE coming up with working models that read this:

Anyway, should I have taken Operations Mgmt?
Let go, but do not let go too easily.
The middle path is the way to go.
Neither in excess, nor with deprivation. Labels: SMU