The loves of my life
Oh Joy
Her first cry
Her first turn
Her first word ('duck')
Her first classes
Her first step
Erica has turned one.
We are turning 30.
Now for #2.
Love is as love does Without agenda, It dictates. To live, To love, To hate.
Oh Joy
"i can feel our daughter growing stronger. her turns, punches and kicks are so forceful .... they make feel like I am having stitches sometimes"
Labels: HER
The typical question du jour in the company of close friends is the same:
“Are you guys excited?”
It really got me thinking. Excited? We definitely are. However, my excitement is tempered with a tinge of worry. I’m worried that I’m not good responsible mature
When I learnt that Sonia was expecting, my first reaction was that of unbridled happiness. I was happy that my beloved maternal grandmother was a tai-po and my parents both could join the fabled ranks of the 50-ish grandparents. I was happy that the next stage in our lives could come so early, and that Sonia and I were at an age whereby we still remembered what it was like to be young.
And then came the first questions from well-meaning friends and colleagues –
“Wah, so young ar!”
“So fast! Are you all ready?”
“But you just started out in your career leh.”
Each question sowed a seed of doubt in my faith that we were ready. Was I really ready? Were we ready to nurse, inculcate and educate another individual totally dependent on our support and guidance? I pride myself as being a logical, level-headed and mature person, but dealing with matters of emotion, I am frequently at a loss.Are we… Was I ready?
All I wish is for Erica to tell us, 28 years down the road that indeed you both were, dearest Mum and Dad.
Labels: HER
Today was the stag night that my brothers had planned for me...
Labels: Brudders
It's almost two years since my last post, and plenty (both good and bad) have happened in the interim. The following timeline is a brief summary of my life since the much-cherished Shanghai trip...
Labels: HER, PwC, Reminiscence
Day 6 was better - we resolved to forget the disappointments of the previous day and set out afresh for Qipu Road and breakfast. It's always well and good to have something to fall back on in a land of foreign food - the ever-trusty Macdonalds and their ubiquitous items on the menu.
Labels: Brudders, Drivel, Reminiscence
Day 4 was a day of meeting with people - we met with Zhong's Dragonboat teammate and Celest's Jun.
Labels: Brudders, Drivel, Reminiscence
Day 3
Labels: Brudders, Drivel, Reminiscence